As part of my work at St James' Primary School in Manchester I have had to update an old acceptable use policy from my days as ICT co-ordinator at Crumpsall Lane. It includes some guidance on the use of social networking by staff and an Internet access statement. We've given it a Creative Commons share and share alike attribution, so feel free to copy it and adapt it for your own (non-commercial) purposes.
As an aside, we also wanted to find a data protection policy. While the ICT co-ord went to call the LA for a copy of their policy, I tweeted the fact that we needed such a policy from my phone, and by the time she returned saying that the LA were emailing her one, my PLN on Twitter had furnished me with several examples. Twitter is indeed my Google!
Most data protection policies seem to be wrapped in legalese, but this one from Wokingham doesn't seem too bad: Link to DPP.